Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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When tajweed color will be added more than 2 years we asked for it
When tajweed color will be added more than 2 years we asked for it
We always renewed but no change iver 2 years it's under progress
I'd say I've been waiting for this for so long, we all need the letter colored Tajweed text!
This is critical please, the application needs to be lighter ... Because it is also kinda heavy on some devices.
This app is missing tajweed color codes. Please prioritize it, for example quran app has best one, similar to it would be killer feature
Assalamu Alaikum, Pls add Colour coded 15 lines Indo Pak Mushaf. This version is widely used for Memorization.
Pls include Tajweed rule in writing as well as audio with color coding
Pls update the tajweed color coding and word by word option
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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An indicator for Madd (prolongation)، مؤشر المد
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
I was thinking that maybe you could add something that makes it easier for an illiterate person of the Quran (like me) to recognise the Madd and how long you would prolong it.
I was thinking of a little rectangle on the right or left (or you can allow users to select the preferred place) that appears (or activates) when you encounter a Madd (or it is always on standby waiting for you to arrive at the next Madd).
When you encounter a Madd, the indicator starts, and a green strip (or anything like that) rises until the recommended minimum Madd for the letter then it lets you know you can stop, and if you prolonged the Madd it will become red and count it as a mistake.
Honestly, I think it's tough to do it, but may الله open your eyes to find the way.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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استخدام الوان مصحف الحفظ الميسر
مصحف الحفظ الميسر يساعد على تربيط الايات و تسهيل الحفظ هل من الممكن توفير عرض المصحف بالوانه حتى عندما اعيد التسميع عندكم يبقى شكل الصفحة في ذهني ثابت
حتى ان تطبيق الحفظ الميسر به خدمات اضافية جميلة من اعراب و تفاسير لو تم الجمع بين التطبيقين او إضافة خدمة ترتيل في تطبيقهم مقابل اشتراك مادي
اكون لكم من الشاكرين
كتب الله اجركم مقدما
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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متي ستم اضافة مصحف التجويد الملون لأكثر من عام وهو تحت الدراسة والاجراء
متي ستم اضافة مصحف التجويد الملون لأكثر من عام وهو تحت الدراسة والاجراء
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Je rejoins la proposition avoir la version mujawwad du mushaf aide énormément
qu'Allah vous facilite sa mise en place
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