I see bother Mohamed Moussa and Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed merging all request into this thread but haven’t seen a response on when this feature is planned and if there is a timeframe
Can either of you please let the group here know the plan?
Does anyone know when the indo-pak 15 line mushaf is going to become available?
Please add 13 line indo pak mushaff
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
Please include Indo-Pak 15lines with tajweed colour coded
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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A suggestion on how to provide mushaf versions
Mukarram Faridi
Assalamo Alaikum,
I have a suggestion for hopefully an easier way to implement multiple versions of the mushaf on tarteel. How about we are provided with the ability to choose the first and last ayah of a page in the adaptive version that you provide? Since I really really need the mushaf (IndoPak 15 line) I studied in to improve my memorization, I am very willing to put in the work to enter first and last ayah of every page in the adaptive version so that it matches the mushaf I studied in.
Without my mushaf, my practice gets worse since I can't match the image of what's in my head to what is shown on tarteel.
I completely understand the challenges of coding and ML, so I hope giving us an option to have our mushafs in tarteel this way would be easier to implement.
Jazak Allah khairan.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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15 lines indo pak mushaf
Assalam u alaikum
Jazakallah for this amazing app, just want new mushaf layout to be add which is 15 lines but as some different layout of ayaah from the one which is available in this app because many hufaaz from Asia specifically Pakistan use this, it'll be helpful
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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الخط الباكستاني/ Pakistani font
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
انا حاليا اقيم بدولة غير عربية بها جالية كبيرة من باكستان/بنكلاديش/الهند و الكثير منهم ما شاء الله يحفظ القرآن الكريم حتى مع عدم تعلمهم للغة العربية، رأوا استخدامي لبرنامج ترتيل و انبهروا به
كان تساؤل لدي الكثير منهم هل يوجد نسخة من ترتيل بالخط الباكستاني، حيث ان هذا هو ما تعلموه ولا يستطيعون قراءة الرسم العثماني المألوف لمتحدثي العربية. الاندوباك الموجودة ما زالت تبدو مختلفة عن الصورة المرفقة للمصحف المطبوع.
احببت ان ارسل لكم هذا الاقتراح فإن تمكن تنفيذه فأنه سيخدم شريحة كبيرة من المسلمين غير العرب و ييسر عليهم مراجعة حفظهم، جعله الله في ميزان حسناتكم بإذن الله.
Is it possible to have indopak resemble more the printed version of the mushaf. Jazakom Allah khair
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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