Delete Previous Recordings (خاصية حذف الجلسات)
Sometimes I hit the record button and barely get through a verse because something wasn’t set up properly or someone asks me a question. Just want the ability to delete these and other recordings from activity.
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Mohamed Moussa
We've got an update that does not directly address this request but addresses a number of related issues and comments.
We have recently launched the option to opt out from saving audio data or allowing AI training. These options can be accessed through the settings under the user preferences section. Please note that this is only available to Premium users.
لا أستطيع حذف التسجيلات
Mohamed Moussa
Our latest update includes the ability to delete all previous recordings from the settings screen. For those looking to delete the audio of individual sessions or to delete individual sessions entirely, that functionality is still under consideration.
Mohanad E
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Delete my recordings
I’d be nice if we’re able to delete our voice recordings
Mohanad E
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إمكانية حذف بعض الجلسات
نرجو إضافة إمكانية حذف بعض الجلسات التي لا أرغب فيها، أو تثبيت بعض الجلسات في أعلى القائمة، من أجل تنظيمها لسرعة الوصول إلى الجلسة التي أرغب فيها، أما مع بقاء الجلسات صار عددها كثير جداً فإذا أردت الوصول إلى جلسة معينة صار من الصعب جداً.
Mohamed Moussa
We've got an update that does not directly address this request but addresses a number of related issues and comments.
We have recently launched the option to opt out from saving audio data or allowing AI training. These options can be accessed through the settings under the user preferences section. Please note that this is only available to Premium users.
Mohamed Moussa: this does not solve the problem at all. I don’t want to keep saving audio files on my phone with no option to delete them every time I want to use the audio option. This is the one thing that’s stopping me from using this app. I am not going to pay for premium just for the basic capability of not saving audio data.
Mohamed Moussa
zaydahmed: We don't save the audio files on your phone. We save them in our own secured storage. If your concern is storage space on your device then you don't need to worry.
Mohamed Moussa: Please, if you uncheck this option, the AI will not train
Please, if you uncheck this option, the AI will not train
I don't want that at all
I want the application to be for the best, and I want artificial intelligence to detect errors faster, more precisely, and better
Mohamed Moussa: that’s not my concern. I don’t want every single audio file saved period. What do you gain from saving every single recording? We should have the choice what we want to save and what we want to delete. I really want to use this app but I don’t feel safe with you saving all my audio files and I feel uncomfortable using the audio knowing that every single thing I say into it will be saved.
Mohamed Moussa
ammarnady3: The AI needs audio to learn. If we do not save the audio then we cannot use it to teach the AI.
Mohamed Moussa
zaydahmed: In order to develop and improve AI like what Tarteel offers you, massive amounts of money and data are required. If you do not wish to support this project with either, then unfortunately at this time we cannot accommodate you. Please know that we take your trust and your safety seriously and we follow best practices in securing the audio data that we collect.
Mohamed Moussa:
This is a good option to have but for me the deletion of previous recordings is mainly an organizational thing. Sometimes i accidentally did a 10 second recording of nothing or recorded a short amount and then started over with new recording and dont want that previous one counting towards stats and stuff. That's main reason to delete the recording. I would also be ok with an archive feature. Something like this recording will be hidden and wont count towards stats or anything but is saved for our AI use. That i dont mind
Axa Aa
Почему нет возможности удалить?
Mohanad E
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أكر من رائع وأعانني بعد الله على ضبط المحفوظ
نتمنى إضافة إمكانية حذف الجلسات
Mohanad E
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خاصية الحذف
أرجو إضافة خاصية لحذف جلسات التسميع وسجل البحث الصوتي عن الآية، وشكرًا
Mohanad E
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حذف التسجيلات
امكانية حذف التسجيلات
Mohanad E
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الخصوصية والأمان
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتهر
رجاء إضافه خاصيه تتيح لي مسح التسجيلات الصوتيه الخاصه بالجلسات وذلك أمر هام من ناحيه الخصوصيه والأمان! على الاقل يكون هذا الخيار متاح لمشتركين البريميوم وانا بالفعل مشترك في البريميوم فمن حقي هذا الخيار.. وشكرا
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