This is similar to the hifz planning request but more in detail for during the process of memorizing but also using the app to record regular recitation of daily wird looking at the mushaf (either using the app or entering manually so you are able to see stats and update on your memorization journey separately from regular reading)
For example , if I am trying to memorize , i was to be able to either manually or automatically upload the progress to my memorization based on what I am doing (or did outside the app if manually inputting into the session. Currently, anything I do is included in the calculation / system as read so I don’t know how much I’m memorizing or progressing since my regular recitation wird changes the calculation of my memorization progress
I see the little feature which shows what I’ve read without seeing the ayah - so would that be possible to use as that data is already being collected so hopefully the sessions maybe recited without seeing can be recorded separately as a memorization session, whereas the other ones looking in are recorded separately as just regular recitation looking in.
Jazakumullahu Khairan